From Dilip Neupane
Predicted gas temperature contour plots within the compartment at three locations. Fire scenario: Simulation of the warehouse in which sprinklers are present. The fire… -
From Dilip Neupane
Development of the fire flame volume with sprinkler's water droplet Fire scenario: Simulation of the warehouse in which sprinklers are present. The fire is… -
From Dilip Neupane
Development of the smoke (frontview). Fire scenario: Simulation of the warehouse in which no sprinkler system is installed within the compartment, and the fire… -
From Dilip Neupane
Development of the fire flame volume. Fire scenario: Simulation of the warehouse in which no sprinkler system is installed within the compartment, and the fire… -
From Dilip Neupane
Predicted gas temperature contour plots within the compartment at three locations. Fire scenario: Simulation of the apartment in which there is a single sprinkler… -
From Dilip Neupane
Development of the fire flame volume and smoke with sprinkler's droplet particles. Fire scenario:Simulation of the apartment in which there is a single sprinkler… -
From Dilip Neupane
Development of the fire flame volume and smoke. Fire scenario: Simulation of the apartment in which there is no sprinkler present in the apartment, and the fire is… -
From Johanna Valtonen
Video on tuotettu Yritysten vihreä siirtymä, muutoskyvykkyys & digitalisaatio -hankkeessa. -
From Johanna Valtonen
Video on tuotettu Yritysten vihreä siirtymä, muutoskyvykkyys & digitalisaatio -hankkeessa. -
From Johanna Valtonen
Video on tuotettu Yritysten vihreä siirtymä, muutoskyvykkyys & digitalisaatio -hankkeessa. -
From Johanna Valtonen
Jatkuvan oppimisen työelämälähtöinen koulutusmalli tekniikan aloille -hankkeen video -
From Anna Kuznetsova
KESYtek project video test https://youtu.be/psUKfHO9d4o https://youtu.be/0S-SVtedobQ - HD -
From Anastasiia Stepanova
Satobotti - first test of automated strawberry approaching and cutting based on Machine Vision. Detected 8/9 Cut 7/8 -
From Anastasiia Stepanova
Automated and Machine Vision enabled tomato picking and packing sequence - SOK demo -